Im Getting Plastic Surgery ?!?!

Image result for plastic surgery So, let me start off by saying yes, i am getting plastic surgery, and yes I am excited. This is a topic that many people are very opinionated about including myself. How can someone possibly judge someone else for wanting to perfect or change something about themselves? I think that just about everyone in the world has a flaw that they wish they did not have, and if you don't then YES, you go girl/boy, YOU DO YOU. Hailee Steinfeld sings in one of her songs "You know some days you feel so good in your own skin but it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in 'cause you look greatest when you feel like a damn queen". This lyric has always stood out to me and made me feel that it's okay to want to tweak your image. Makeup is the same concept as plastic surgery, minus the surgery. Humans have always cared a great deal about physical appearance and as much as we argue that physical beauty should be irrelevant, it's not. This is something I have wanted my entire life. I was always scared of what others might think if I actually went through with it, but I no longer care and I can not wait for the new me to make her appearance on May 15th. 


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